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[스크랩] 미국 법원 프리메이슨을 정식 종교단체로 규정하다.

다음은 미국 법원이  프리메이슨을 정식 종교 단체로 규정하는 기사입니다.


US appeal court declares that Freemasonry is a religion: CEN 10.19.07 p 6. October 18, 2007

( 미국 법원 프리메이슨이 종교라고 선언하다 : CEN 10.19.07 6페이지 2007년 10월 18일)

Posted by geoconger in Church of England Newspaper, Freemasonry/Secret Societies.

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Freemasonry is a religion a California appeals court ruled on Oct 3, and its adherents must be given equal standing as other faiths under US law.  In a case involving the Los Angeles Scottish Rite Cathedral and the City of Los Angeles, the Seventh District Court of Appeals in Los Angeles held it could not distinguish between “the earnest pursuit of [Masonic] principles … from more widely acknowledged modes of religious exercise” such as Christianity or Judaism.

( 프리메이슨은 종교라고 캘리포니아 법원이 10월 3일 선고하였다. 그리고 그 추종자들은 미국 법에 따라 다른 종교와 같이 똑같은 지위를 부여받게 되었다. 로스앤젤레스 스코티시 라이트 당( 프리메이슨)과 로스앤젤레스 시가 관계된 소송 사건에서, 로스앤젤레스 지방법원은 프리메이슨의 원리를 보편적으로 널리 인식되고 있는 종교 사역 양식들 (이를테면 기독교와 유대교같은) 에서 구별할 수 없다고 선고하였다. )

The Court was asked to hear the Freemasons appeal of a lower court’s ruling that the City of Los Angeles could regulate the use of the Masonic cathedral. The Scottish Rite Freemasons argued that while they were not a formal “religion”, their property should however be exempted from government regulation to the same degree that churches were exempted so as to allow them the free “religious exercise”.

They cited the US Federal law the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 in support of their contention, saying it prohibits a government from implementing a land use regulation in a way that “imposes a substantial burden” on one’s “religious exercise.”

The Court held that it could find “no decisions analyzing whether Masonic practices are sufficiently religious in nature to qualify for protection” under law.

( 법원은 프리메이슨의 사역은 법의 보호를 받을 만한 본질상 충분히 종교적인 것이라고 선고하였다.)

However it used the test adopted by the courts in the case of the US v Meyers that presented a five-pronged test in defining whether a creed or belief was a “religious belief” and determined it was a religion.

“Although Freemasonry does not identify itself as a religion” the Court stated “it plainly fosters principles and practices that resemble religious exercise.”

(비록 프리메이슨이 자신을 종교라고 자칭하지는 않지만, 법원은 프리메이슨이 명백히 종교적 행위에 유사하는 원리와 행동을 도출한다고 주장했다. )


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